"Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength"

Thursday, August 19, 2010

It's the final cruise one, I promise!!

Wednesday was a pretty rough day for me. I woke up and got ready for the day and Jami was already off hanging out with the guy she hooked up on. I started walking around the ship yet again by myself. While I was wondering aimlessly I spotted Todd. Now let me tell you about Todd...Todd is in a group called Mountain Blue, they sing gospel/bluegrass music and they are AWESOME!!! His group performed for our singles group, Jami and I had met him at the beginning of the cruise, he is a great friend. Anyways when we talked before we realized that Todd and I are both classically trained singers. He spotted me and came and talked with me and we were comparing stories of our cruise experience so far. He was on his way to the party where we could meet all the staff from the ship and he remembered a conversation we had earlier in the trip and he said "Hey April what if we meet up later and sing together?" I said ABSOLUTELY, I was feeling pretty down and was in need of some music therapy. We decided to me in the Jeckyll and Hyde Lounge an hour before dinner for some acapella time. I was so excited and began counting down the hours.

After he left me I wandered out to the Lido Deck and got myself a spray on tattoo on my foot, it was a music staff with notes. It looked pretty dang good! As I was going back to my room I ran into a girl that I met on the cruise. She asked me what was wrong and I said "well I am pretty bummed that I am by myself again while Jami is off with a guy." "I didn't come on this cruise to fine my next husband or hook-up with someone, I just came to spend some time with my good friend." What she said actually floored me, I still can't believe she said this...she said "Well you know April you already had your chance at happiness, maybe you should give other people a turn." OK...she knew I was a widow...how does being a widow automatically disqualify me for happiness with someone else in the future? I just don't get it. I was speechless, I didn't know how to respond so I just told her I needed to go get a nap and that I would see her later. What she said really bothered me. I went back to my room and cried for a while...what she said plus with family telling me that I am not properly "mourning" my husband by going on a singles cruise just really was hard to get over. I have come to realize that if people think Clint would want me to be crying all the time and locked in my room all the time then they really didn't know him. He loved life and was always an optimist...he wants me to be happy and live my life...I know this because he told me.

Anyways after I napped Jami was back and I asked how her day was, I got up and got dressed for dinner and headed out to find Todd. We got to the lounge at the same time and he had another girl with him who wanted to sing with us, the more the merrier right!?! In all actuality she has a HUGE crush on Todd and I guess she wanted to woo him with her musical talent. So we started singing our favorite church songs and it was pretty fun until the other girl started complaining about singing alto she said "Sopranos have it so easy, they don't have to even learn harmony they just get to sing the melody, so that means Sopranos aren't the best musicians." I thought to myself "Oh no you didn't just say that!!!!" So I said "You know I love to harmonize why don't you just switch me for a while." Let's just say that she was shocked that I could sing both parts, really people it isn't attractive when you put other people down to make yourself look better. But despite the attitude it was really fun and Todd suggested that we sing a duet at karaoke that night, I was all for it. We decided after dinner to go straight to karaoke and pick our song.

Dinner that night was a sad affair, we were all sad that we were going to be back to the real world the next day and of course we were exchanging emails so we could find each other on facebook. I think my friends on facebook doubled from all of my cruise friends!! As we were eating dessert all of a sudden the lights start flickering and our waiters start SINGING AND DANCING!!!! It was so funny, our waiter picked Kathy and started dancing with her in the aisles. It was awesome to see them all getting down. After we stuffed ourselves with our warm chocolate melting cake for the last time and took a million pictures I excused myself to go find Todd and get ready for karaoke. I found Todd and we picked the most perfect song...Summer Lovin' from Grease!!! We had so much fun singing together and the crowd really loved it. Everyone was singing with us and we even got a standing ovation...granted most of them were drunk...by hey we got mad skills!!!

So after I had my aha moment I went back to my room, touched up my makeup, packed my bags and ran off to find all of my new friends playing cards in the restaurant. I got to bed late that night, got up early since I had to be off the ship at 8:30am for my next adventure  (a quick trip to Mexico to start Phase I of the "new April" process). I gave Jami a huge hug and thanked her for convincing me to come on the cruise and made my way off the ship. As I got off the ship I turned around and looked at the ship and all of my friends and I couldn't believe that it took a cruise to Cabo for me to be at peace with all the decisions that I have made since September even if other people don't agree with them, Heavenly Father works in mysterious ways. My car came and I was off to Mexico by myself and totally and completely scared out of my mind!!!!